Small Updates

20190224_162917_1551052918424IMG_20190224_210005_679Hey Guys! So just some quick updates. Tomorrow I will be cd3 and will start Letrozole. I had to take progesterone to restart my cycle, of course. I cheated and took it starting on cd30 rather than cd35. Hopefully that doesn’t effect anything…I will be starting with 2 pills of letrozole rather than just one as Dr. P said she wanted to start me off with a medium dose to give it a fair shot. Hopefully it will work a lot better than Clomid. I will go in next Thursday on cd11 to then get an ultrasound to see what kind of follicles we are working with and what sizes they are. I am sure I wont be ready for a trigger shot at that point, as I never have ovulated before cd 18 but who knows. I am glad to finally begin this new journey/cycle though! Wish me luck and hopefully no bad symptoms with Letrozole!